Fungicidal Paint

What kind of paint should be used to solve the moldy (dark specks) phenomenon on the external wall?
It is suggested that two layers of No. 418 solvent-based anti-mold cement coat, and the anti-mold duration will be about 3 years.
How many pings can be covered by one gallon of solvent and water based fungicidal paint?
If calculated at 35μ per coating (manual brushing), then one gallon of water-based fungicidal paint can cover approx. 8.5 pings; and that of solvent-based paint will be about 9 pings.
How many pings can be covered by one gallon of No. 500-4 water-based epoxy fungicidal paint if brushed manually?
If calculated at 35μper coating (manual brushing), then one gallon of No. 500-4 water-based epoxy fungicidal paint can cover approx. 9 pings.
What kind of fungicidal paint should be applied for coating the calcium silicate board?
It is suggested that No. 500-1 water-based fungicidal paint or No. 500-4 water-based epoxy fungicidal paint should be used.
How much anti-mildew agent should be mixed in 5 gallons of solvent-based cement paint in order to achieve the expected effect?
One gallon of solvent-based cement paint should be mixed with one stick of anti-mildew agent, and so on.