Yung-Flon Coating

Yung-Flon Coating(Fluoride Coating)
Fluorocarbon resin is a revolutionary, durable product in paints. First used in the Space Industry, it was later widely used for general purposes. Its most important feature is its adaptation of the latest molecular structure. Fluorocarbon resin is formulated with the highly weather- resistant curing agent and various special chemical materials, and is widely used on permanent structures, which are difficult to maintain, such as tall buildings, skyscrapers, long bridges, towers, outdoor storage facilities, large buildings, ships, vehicles, factories, steel frames, and other non-iron metal materials. Its “permanent” protection lasts more than 15 years.

Fluorocarbon resin is well-known for its high chemical, weather, and pollution resistance. These properties are even more recognized ever since the success of the Apollo Project. It is widely used in industry as well as in the production of domestic products. In the past, fluorocarbon resin could only be used after a high heating treatment; therefore, its application was limited. As a result of exhaustive research by our company and the application of the professional technology from foreign countries, room-temperature-curing Yung Flon Paint has been developed. This product is the ultimate in synthetic resin paint, and no other paints can compete with its superior weather endurance.

The magic of fluorocarbon resin originates from its solid C-F structure that surrounds the C-C of the synthetic resin, and the solid connection of the spiral sharp helix F atom that prevents the aging caused by the serious damage from the UV rays and thus maintains an amazing, long-lasting gloss. Moreover, its highly adhesive quality makes it usable on any kind of materials. Its electrical, mechanical, and painting characteristics make it ideal for repair and maintenance projects.

The anti-UV characteristic of fluorocarbon resin reduces the aging, preserves the gloss, and prolongs the maintenance cycle of the materials. The initial gloss of fluorocarbon resin is higher than 80 %, and with its high transparency, it can be painted on vehicles or household appliances to preserve their beautiful gloss. The molecular structure of fluorocarbon resin is stable, and its high chemical resistance makes it ideal for use in food-processing and chemical factories. With its outstanding weather resistance, it is widely used in coastal, mountainous, foggy, and drought-affected areas.

Fluorocarbon resin’s stable structure and strong adhesive ability on all materials, even alumina or non-metal materials make it suitable for use on curtains, blinds, and signboards. It can be applied with any painting method, in normal temperature or in the baking curing process, and is widely used in factories or construction sites. Since fluorocarbon resin has good repainting qualities, it can be used in repairs involving repainting using the same type of paint. Since it has good adhesive ability, it is very effective for anti-corrosive applications. Oxidation is the key factor determining the life of painted materials. Since the permeability coefficient of fluorocarbon resin is lower than any paints known, fluorocarbon resin is therefore the best anti-corrosive paint used to prolong the life of base materials.